Prioritizing Proactive Wellness: The Importance of Preventative Health Care for Men

Preventative health care focuses on identifying potential health risks and addressing them before they escalate into more serious conditions.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for men to neglect their health amidst the demands of work, family and other responsibilities. However, taking a proactive approach to health care is essential for overall well-being and longevity. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of preventative health care for men, highlighting the benefits of…

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Making Healthy Choices: A new you in the new year

Making healthy choices. A new year and new you.

Mel Robbins, lawyer, motivational speaker and public personality, famously—along with George Carlin—said, “Motivation is bull…” something or other. You can take a guess as to how that sentence finishes. Basically, she believes, quite rightly, that motivation from anywhere other than inside yourself is unreliable, a waste of energy—and ultimately will be inconsistently productive.  Life is…

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Staying Ahead of Your Health: Tips for Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy through Proper Diet and Exercise

June marks National Men’s Health Month, and if you hadn’t noticed, we’re a men’s health clinic. We know we normally deal with below-the-belt issues, but your whole health is important. Plus, heart health, oral health, mental health and many other factors can affect your sexual performance. Without further ado, here are some tips to help…

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The Health Benefits of Video Games

The Health Benefits of Video games blog, dad and son playing video games together

After writing about which sports you should try out this summer, we thought we should support our fellas who aren’t too into sports (plus, it gets pretty hot in the summer, and A/C is nice). We know you wouldn’t expect a men’s health provider to write about video games, but they actually have health benefits.…

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